Professor Professor Emeritus Judge Doctor D.O . DDS DMD JD Juris Doctor LL.D Doctor of Laws Doctor of Pharmacy Pharm.D . Ph.D . Officer RN Accountant CA CPA CIA CGA CMA CFM CFE CFA MAcy MBA Advocate Architect Bailiff Barrister Coach Engineer Chartered Engineer CEng Incorporated Engineer IEng Biologist Chartered Biologist CBiol EurChem Eur Ing Lecturer MFA M.D . Doctor of Medicine MLIS M.S . MSN MSW Notary registered Pharmacist R.Ph PA RPA PA-C RPA-C PE Professional Engineer SE Structural Engineer GE Geotechnical Engineer Queen 's Counsel QC KC King 's Counsel Reader Abbess Abbot Ablak Adam Gadol Anax Apostle Archbishop Archdeacon Ayatollah Blessed Bishop Bodhisattva Brother Buddha Cantor Cardinal Chaplain Deacon Dean Demiurge Elder Father Friar Gadol HaDor Imam Mahdi Messiah Monsignor Mother Superior Mullah Nath Pastor Pope President Primate Prophet Rabbi Rebbe Reverend Rosh HaYeshiva Saint Saoshyant Sister Ter Tirthankar Venerable Indlovuzaki Great She Elephant Chairman Vice Chairman Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Pontiff President Deputy President Executive Vice President Vice President Lord President of the Council Vice President Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister Regent Captains Regent Prince Regent Chief Clan Chief Hereditary Chief War Chief Paramount Chief Count Countess Duke Duchess Archduke Grand Duke Earl Countess Emir Emperor Empress Dowager Empress Marquess Marchioness King High King King of Arms Queen Leader Great Leader Supreme Leader Squadron Leader Team Leader Prince Crown Prince Princess Sultan Sultana Maharajah Maharani Viscount Viscountess Caesar Legate Tetrarch Satrap Archon Caudillo Consul Decemvir Dictator Doge Duce Führer Imperator Lord Protector President Triumvir Basileus Caliph Khagan Khan King-Emperor King Emperor Queen-Empress Queen Empress Malik Nawab Negus Pharaoh Regina Rex Saopha Sapa Inca Shah Tsar Alpha Anarch Tisroc Raja Rani Consort Prince Consort Panapillai Amma Maharajah Chamberlain Grand Chamberlain Lord Chamberlain Lord Great Chamberlain Champion Queen 's Champion Marshal Air Chief Marshal Air Marshal Air Vice Marshal Earl Marshal Field Marshal Grand Marshal Hereditary Marshal Reich Marshal Aide-de-camp Equerry Duke Duchess Marquis Marquess Marchioness Marquise Count Countess Earl Viscount Viscountess Baron Baroness Baronet Baronetess Chevalier Dame Jonkheer Lady First Lady Second Lady Lord First Sea Lord Lord of the Manor Honorable Right Honorable Augusta Augustus Knyaz Comes Concubine Ras Bitwoded Fitawrari Dejazmach Kenyazmach Gerazmach Graf Altgraf Burggraf Freigraf Landgraf Markgraf Pfalzgraf Raugraf Reichsgraf Rheingraf Vizegraf Wildgraf Gräfin Gentleman Gentleman at Arms Gentleman of the Bedchamber Gentleman Usher Gentlewoman Lady Hidalgo Don Doña Sahib Abbess Abbot Acolyte Admiral Grand Admiral Lord High Admiral Rear Admiral Vice Admiral Adjutant Agent Agister Almoner Lord High Almoner Ambassador Attaché Awoamefia Bishop Archbishop Boy Bishop Lord Archbishop Metropolitan Bishop Prince Bishop Brigadier Canon Cantor Captain Group Captain Chancellor Lord Chancellor Vice-Chancellor Vice Chancellor Chaplain Chargé d'affaires Cock o ' the North Commander Commander-in-Chief Lieutenant Commander Wing Commander Commissioner First Church Estates Commissioner High Commissioner Commodore Air Commodore Comptroller Comptroller General Comptroller of the Household Constable Lord High Constable Senior Constable Corporal Lance Corporal Staff Corporal Courtier Curator Custos Deacon Archdeacon Dean Denkyerahene Docent Doyen Druid Archdruid Edohen Ekegbian Elder Elerunwon Envoy Eze Father Father of the Nation Fon Foreman Forester Master Forester General Adjutant General Attorney General Captain General Colonel General Director General Generalissimo General of the Army Governor General Lieutenant General Lord Justice General Major General Resident General Secretary General Solicitor General Surgeon General Vicar General Gentiluomo Governor Lieutenant Governor Headman Herald of Arms Intendant Superintendent Keeper Keeper of the Great Seal Keeper of the Prince 's Privy Seal Lama Dalai Lama Panchen Lama Lamido Librarian Lieutenant First Lieutenant Flight Lieutenant Lord Lieutenant Major Manager General Manager Marcher Lady Marcher Mate Chief Mate First Mate Matriarch Patriarch Mayor Lady Mayoress Lord Mayor Minister Prime Minister Mother Mother Superior Queen Mother Reverend Mother Msiri Mwami Nizam Oba Obi Obong Officer Air Officer Chief Academic Officer Chief analytics officer Chief Business Development Officer Chief Credit Officer Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Information Officer Chief Information Security Officer Chief Knowledge Officer Chief Marketing Officer Chief Operating Officer Chief Petty Officer Chief Risk Officer Chief Security Officer Chief Strategy Officer Chief Technical Officer Chief Warrant Officer Corporate officer Customs officer Field officer First Officer Flag Officer Flying Officer General Officer Intelligence Officer Junior Warrant Officer Master Chief Petty Officer Master Warrant Officer Officer of State Petty Officer Pilot Officer Police Officer Political Officer Revenue Officer Senior Officer Ship 's Officer Staff Officer Warrant Officer Oliha Olowo Olu Oni Prefect Prelate Premier Presbyter Priest Priestess Primate Principal Prior Lord Prior Provost Pursuivant Queen 's Remembrancer Rangatira Ranger Rector Lord Rector Rector Magnificus Registrar Lord Clerk Register Risaldar Sachem Sagamore Searcher of the Sanctuary Secretary Cardinal Secretary of State Foreign Secretary General Secretary Secretary of State Seigneur Monsignor Monsieur Mister Sergeant Sergeant at Mace Sergeant of Arms Sharif Shehu Sheikh Sheriff High Sheriff Subaltern Subedar Timi Treasurer Master Treasurer Secretary Treasurer Verderer Vicar Warden Hereditary Warden Lord Warden Woodman Abuna Aedile Ali'i Aqabe sa'at Balambaras Ban Bey Boyar Castellan Cellarer Censor Centurion Circuitor Commissar People 's Commissar Conquistadore Daimyo Dey Dux Elector Gauleiter Guardian Ichege Infirmerer Inquisitor Grand Inquisitor Jemadar Kitchener Mage Magister Militum Majordomo Margrave Naib Officium Pasha Paladin Palatine Pontiff Pontifex Maximus Praetor Prebendary Quaestor Sacrist Samurai Shogun Stadtholder Steward Thakore Voivode Viceroy Vicereine Vizier Grand Vizier Darth Moff grand moff Paladin Tarkhaan Thain Tallest Almighty Tallest Naib Advocate Advocate General AG Bailiff Barrister Chancellor Judge Admiralty Judge Justice Lord Chief Justice Lord Justice Clerk Lord Justice of Appeal Justice of the Peace Magistrate Promagistrate Master of the Rolls Mufti Grand Mufti President Lord President of the Court of Session Privy Counsellor Privy Councillor Her Majesty 's Most Honourable Privy Council Solicitor Lictor Reeve Seneschal Tribune Alderman Councillor Delegate Member of Parliament Member of the European Parliament Member of the Scottish Parliament Member of Provincial Parliament Member of the Legislative Council Member of the Legislative Assembly Member of the House of Representatives Member of the House of Assembly Member of the National Assembly Representative Senator Speaker Burgess Dame Dominus Bearer Hereditary Banner Bearer Standard Bearer Swordbearer Coach Doctor MD PhD JD LLD Friar Master Dance master Drawing Master Fencing Master Music Master Deputy Headmaster Housemaster Schoolmaster Deputy Master Grandmaster Guest Master Joint Master Master of the Horse Master of the Rolls Novice Master Queen 's Bargemaster Second Master Senior Master Dungeon Master Slave Master Miss Missus Ms . Mistress Nurse Nanny Professor Adjunct Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Distinguished Professor Professor Emeritus Reverend Sayyid Chief Scout Queen 's Scout Queen 's Guide Senior Grecian Tolly-keeper Engineer Chartered Engineer European Engineer Incorporated Engineer Professional Engineer Premier danseur Prima Ballerina Reader Hereditary Falconer Queen 's Swan Marker Grand Carver Herb Strewer Apprentice Chief butler Director Animation director Art director Artistic director Casting director Creative director Film director Game director Music director Television director Theatre director Video Director Director of Operations Funeral Director Technical Director . Instructor Journeyman Lecturer Principal Lecturer Senior Lecturer Scout Rabbi Coach Adept Akhoond Arhat Bwana Brother Sister Citizen First Citizen Coach Goodman Goodwife Grand Bard Hajji Mullah Sri Wizard Grand Wizard Imperial Wizard Baba Condottiero Diva Effendi Giani Gyani Guru Maestro Mahatma Pastor Rebbe Siddha Sheikh Pir Murshid Ustad Swami Yogi Auntie Uncle Boss Coach Grandfather Grandmother Pundit Sir