This document has been created to keep track about the exchange between grobid team and pdf2xml team about license agreement. ------------------------------------------------ Request sent to pdf2xml team on 22nd of August : Hello, I am part of a project named grobid (hosted on source forge) under Apache license. Pdf2xml is under gpl license. For license compatibility, the tool pdf2xml is not distributed with grobid and has to be installed manually by the user/developer. We thought that a good idea would be to deploy pdf2xml on a public maven repository, so that is will be disponible to use it. To respect the license with pdf2xml, it is possible to add a specific profile for the maven build of grobid (if you specify that specific profile it will download it else not). So if you add that profile in your build it means you accept the license agreement. For information the archive would be a simple zip of that structure : pdf2xml |_win-32 |_pdftoxml.exe |_zlib1.dll |_mac-64 |_pdf2xml (build on and for mac-64 platfom) |_lin-32 |_pdf2xml (build on and for lin-32 platfom) |_lin-64 |_pdf2xml (build on and for mac-32 platfom) We would like to know your opinion on the subject. Thank you in advance for the answer to your request. Regards, Damien ridereau ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Answer recieved on 29th of August : Hello, It shouldn't be a problem. Pdf2xml is under gpl since it's based on xpdf, but I don't care much about the licence. Hervé -----------------------------------